All tagged retirement

Why Young Teachers Need to Invest Outside of Their Pension

Teachers are one of the single largest class of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher, yet existing systems shortchange teachers when it comes to retirement planning and security.

According to a survey by, more teachers are thinking about leaving now than before the pandemic. Younger teachers are more likely to leave the profession which means many of these teachers will not qualify for a pension. If they have only been relying on the prospect of a pension and not investing in alternative retirement plans, they’ll have some catching up to do.

In this post, we will look at why a teacher’s pension may not be enough and what investment accounts teachers can self-fund to ensure they have enough in retirement.

Common Retirement Savings Options

“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

Since most companies are doing their benefits enrollment period in the next few week’s, we though we’d share some of the most common retirement savings options. Even if you are young and have just started your professional career, it’s important to start saving and planning for retirement now so that you can use the power of time to build yourself a hefty next egg when you are older.

How to Have a Financial Checkup With Your Aging Parents

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

I never thought I would write this or be adult enough to have a discussion with my parents about finances, but it happened and it's been happening folks. I feel like the more I talk about money, the more comfortable I am getting and the more people around me are also getting comfortable talking about it.

Why Take Advantage of a 401K Match: It's Part of Your Compensation

Without vision you don't see, and without practicality the bills don't get paid.

If your employer told you you would get a $5000 bonus each year, would you take it? Of course we all would, but we would ask the question, what do we have to do to get the bonus? How much to we have to meet in sales? How many projects do we have to complete? What performance metrics would be tracked and what do we have to do to meet it?

Guess what? That $5000 bonus is actually easier to get than you might think. All you have to do is to save money. Easy right? The reality is that many people don't do this because they don't understand what a 401K is or why they should take advantage of it. Today, we are going to breakdown why you should be taking advantage of your 401K to build your nest egg, to build your retirement accounts and get you to financial independence faster.

When Geoarbitrage Means Going Back to Your Home Country

It has always been my parents intention to retire in the Philippines. I have never known them to say otherwise. This year, they will return to our home country and setup a new life there. It’s been an eye-opening experience to watch my parents plan and finally make this goal a reality. I am happy and sad at the same time. Happy that all of their hard work will allow them to do this. Sad that we will be many time zones apart.

Doing so will allow them to take advantage of a concept called geoarbitrage.

Save For Retirement Because You Love Your Kids

I picked up another personal finance book from the library. Another oldie, but a goodie from Suze Orman: Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny. There's a section in there where she talks about Saving for Your Kid's College vs. Saving For Your Retirement. Suze, like she always does, keeps it real.

The reality is that if you retire without ample money to support yourself, you will become a financial burden on your children. So understand that the most generous decision you can make today - for yourself and your children - is to build as much financial security as you can, so that down the line the only thing you ask your kids for is more time with them and the grandkids, not financial aid.

What I Made My Boyfriend Do 6 Months Into Our Relationship For FI

Let's talk money, honey!

I met my boyfriend (now my husband) on Valentine's Day. As with any relationship, our path to becoming "official" took some time. By the time we became official, we had known each for months already. Earlier on in our relationship, we've always been pretty open about the range of topics we would discuss. From family to work to goals and dreams, nothing seemed out of the question to discuss. While we both didn't know how serious we were going to be, to me it was never too early to start thinking about the future.