All in Debt Free

40 Day No-Spend Challenge: Here’s What I learned

A No-Spend Challenge is self induced commitment or challenge to one’s self to not spend money in a certain period of time. No-Spend challenges can range from one week to a month, or whatever you heart desires.

I actually did this last year, but I basically gave up online spending for 40ish days. This year, I wanted to do the same as a way to challenge myself and practice self-restraint, but also give my wallet a break.

Here are some of my observations from my no-spend challenge.

My Plan to Pay Off Over $30K of Student Loans By My 30th Birthday

“Make a specific birthday wishes and write it down. You will be amazed about the power of pen and inner strength to accomplish the wishes.”

By the time I had finished my masters degree last year (2019), I had accumulated over $33,000 in debt just from student loans. After reviewing the payoff schedule, it estimated that I would pay off my debt by the time I was 43. That’s when I decided I hated that plan. Instead, here’s my plan to pay off by debt by the time I’m 30, which is 5 years away.