All tagged student

The College Series: 9 Ways to Reduce Student Loan Debt

Give a man an education and he will build a new world, but give a man a loan and you can own that man forever.

It’s been 10 years since I graduated from grad school. I still proudly hang up my diploma because it put me on a better path for my career and my income. It was also FREE. No loans, no debt, no soul to be sold. With that, I thought I might offer some ways to help reduce debt if you are a college student or have a child that is about to head to college.

The College Series - Back-to-School Prep with Financial Independence in Mind

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

It’s that time of year...the Sunday of Summer. In the blink of an eye, your days of vacationing, interning, or working elsewhere become days of mental and physical preparations for back to school. August rears its head a lot faster than expected and you scramble to pack for move-in or buy books for classes. Across the country, students just like you are trying their best to get through back to school season and trying not to break the bank (or your parents’). Broke college students seem to be the norm, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you already started classes or will begin in September, here are some helpful tips to get you in the money-saving mindset for back to school!

Book Review and Summary: It's the Student, Not the College by Kristin White

"No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows."

This month’s book is all about college since October is FAFSA month. This book, It’s the Student, Not the College, by Kristin M. White, an educational consultant is a well-thought out book on the realities of college, of the college admission process, the future of college and what students should do in order to fully become successful in college and all future endeavors. I’ll break down a few of the sections to give you a sense of what’s in it, but for $10, this book will probably be the best investment you will make for yourself and your child.

Book Review & Notes: Broke Millennial - Get Your Financial Life Together

You, right now, have a choice: you can let money control and define your life or you can control it. - Erin Lowry, Broke Millennial

This month’s book is Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry. You can read more about Erin on her blog,

The title of the book can peg it as a book specifically for Millennials, but I disagree and encourage you to pick it up if you are looking to up your financial knowledge no matter what age you are. It’s not a book on investing or retirement, which I think makes it better. It’s a comprehensive on the basics of money mindset, credit, student loans and debt. The content in this book provides a good foundation for better money management and eventual wealth creation.

How to Maximize Living at Home With Your Parents for Your Financial Independence Journey

I  have to admit that 18, all I wanted to do was get out of my parents house. Not that I had any issues at home, I just felt I needed some independence. I was pretty lucky because my parents are awesome people. A few years ago, my husband and I came back to live with my parents. It's a strange feeling after being out of the house for over 10 years. So we ended up co-habitating with my parents in our 30s and I have to stay it was not as bad as they say it is. Here are some tips to make the most of this time.

The College Series: Student Travel on a Budget

“The only adventure you regret is the one you didn’t take.”

Whether you’re travelling during spring break, studying abroad, or treating yourself after graduation, travelling is a worthwhile thing to do as a young adult. Not only is it important to expose yourself to new places, people, and experiences, but the cultural exchange that occurs is invaluable and helps you become more understanding of the world around you.