Sisters for Financial Independence

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What Is Financial Independence?

The words "Financial Independence" gets thrown around a lot and depending on where you are in life and in the world, it will mean differently to you. Financial Independence may be the means to earn your own income. Financial Independence may mean not living paycheck to paycheck. Financial Independence may mean not having any debt and being able to travel the world. Financial Independence may mean the chance to start something new. 

At Sisters for Financial Independence, we are broadly terming financial independence as the means to replace a wage income (9-5 salary) with income from an investment portfolio. It is generally passive and it comes regardless of how many hours one spends at the office. 

Financial Independence is sometimes coupled with Retire Early, hence the the term FIRE. For many of us, retiring early is a dream, but it can also be a pretty boring existence. So while we do strive for Financial Independence (Retire Early), the point of getting to Financial Independence early is so that we can pursue the things that we truly want to do. This may mean continuing to work, but in our own terms. 

No matter what your definition is of Financial Independence, we are here to tell you that it is possible. The content you will see on this site is here to prove that. We hope it will inspire you to start your journey. Financial Independence is not easy. It takes discipline. It takes time. Most of all, it takes an open ended mind to want to break away from the default work, sleep, spend cycle. 

Not yet convinced that Financial Independence is possible? It's time to check your Money Mindset.