Sisters for Financial Independence

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Why We Started Sisters for Financial Independence

My sister and I are now just getting into the FIRE community and one major thing we have noticed is the lack of women in the space talking about Financial Independence. Yes, there's some here and there, but we don't think it's enough. We have nothing against the men in the space, but we want to surface more voices from our sisters who are learning, doing and succeeding in building wealth and pursuing their passions backed by the security of their financial decisions. 

Women and money are always a tough subject to broach. Even in 2018, there's still stigma about talking about money. Why are most personal finance articles about Financial Independence for Women written by men? Why can't women talk about wanting to retire early? 

We hope through this site that we can all find someone to look up to. Sometimes, we need proof that someone like us made their goals happen. Sometimes, we also just need to plant that seed. Perhaps, we will read a story that plants an idea in our mind that things are possible. We never know who we will inspire. If you are interested in sharing your Financial Independence Journey, please fill out the Contributor form

A woman will be defined as a stay-at-home-mom before she is defined as early retired.

A woman will be defined as a housewife before she is defined as early retired.

A woman loses months of earning potential when on maternity leave.

A woman loses job experience and potential opportunities when on maternity leave.

A woman is more likely to outlive her partner.

A woman will be judged if she has children and if she doesn't.

A woman will be judged if she wants to travel the world. 

Let's not let how other people see us change what we want. Financial Independence is not about being selfish, it's not about being greedy, it's about creating a life that we want. It's going to be unconventional. It's going to be out of the norm, but that's the point. If we want an extraordinary life, we have to live differently. Let's not apologize for it, but let's help each other towards that journey.