Sisters for Financial Independence

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Waking Up to the Idea of Financial Independence: Nancy's Story

Throughout my life and as long as I can remember, I had always done everything exactly as I was told to do.  Early on I completely bought into the “get good grades, go to school so you can get a secure, high-paying job for 40+ years” and live happily ever after according to society.  

It wasn’t too hard for me to buy into this concept - I’m a bookworm and nerd, my curiosity never satisfied, and naturally gravitated towards doing well in school.  I was an exemplary future employee - doing what I was told so that I would be taken care of.

Fast forward to nearly age 34, and while I don’t completely disagree with that path (it’s fine for most people) I started to struggle with the idea of doing a job (or series of jobs) for 40+ years to retire and live happily ever after.

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It was a combination of factors that led me to question everything that I had been taught and indoctrinated with.  I picked Accounting as my choice of study in college, graduated, studied for the CPA exam (and passed the whole thing years before some friends in the same boat), took a job in public accounting (highly propagated where I went to school), and worked.  

While I enjoyed earning a living income consistently for the first time in my life, I was perpetually discontent with my chosen profession.  I eventually went on to work as a staff accountant at a hedge fund and then a fund accountant at an investment bank (always in the pursuit of more money).  Unlike the majority of people in my age group, I was more responsible with money.  I lived with my parents for nearly 3 years after college to save up for the down payment on my first apartment (which I still own) and did the whole “investing for retirement in mutual funds” bit.  

I was better financially than most of my peers but I found myself missing out on some of the fun that many of them were having.  I wanted to go out and be more social (especially mid-week) but my commute was long enough that I didn’t do this as much as some of my friends.  And when I finally did move into my own apartment less than 2 weeks before my 25th birthday, most of my friends started pairing off into what were the beginning stages of their long-term relationships. All of a sudden that single life that I envisioned now that I had a place of my own close to my friends didn’t materialize the way I thought it would.

Back to the career side of things, I was ultimately dissatisfied with my career and wasn’t liking how my life was unfolding.  I found myself starting to devolve into one of the many in the masses who do the “same s***, different day”.

The big difference between me and most of my contemporaries is that I started waking up to this and was compelled and motivated to change all of that.

A year into my 3rd job in the 6 years since leaving school, it finally occurred to me that there truly wasn’t (nor is there) anything wrong with the jobs that I took (which would be well-suited for many people), it’s just that I knew in my bones that my heart wasn’t into them.  I yearned to do something on my own and be completely self-sufficient as a self-employed entrepreneur.  I don’t believe in “job security” and being dependent on one source of income via your job is very risky indeed.

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At the age of 29, and after the devastating losses of both of my parents, I came across the idea of “financial freedom” (a concept I previously had never heard of) which is what you have when your income from your passive investments (in the form of rents, royalties, dividends, option-writing, and a multitude of other varieties that don’t require the 1:1 time for money trade-off such as a job) is equal to or exceeds your living expenses.

What an amazing idea!  After being burned out by jobs I wasn’t suited for, and personal setbacks, what I wanted more than anything was to work smarter, not harder (and for my money and investments to work harder for me than I worked for it).

This is not a story that’s complete nor a journey that’s been straight-forward easy, but this is just the beginning.  I’m looking forward to sharing more as we go.

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